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Kale and Almond Pesto - Jamie's Italian Olive Oil Buyer's Guide

Kale is categorised as one of the super foods for its high Nutritional value! Make this pesto with Kale for a super delicious creamy and rich in nutrient as an accompaniment
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes


  • 300 grams Kale
  • 50 grams Mixed Herbs ( Basil, Parsley, Oregano)
  • 1/4 Cup Hemp Seeds
  • 1/3 Cup Almonds
  • 1 Large Red Pepper
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 tbsp chilli flakes
  • 1 tsp Himalayan Pink salt ( adjust accordingly )
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese ( optional)


  • Take just the leaves of kale, do not use the stem as they will be very chewy, wash well and pat them dry
  • Take fresh herbs of your choice I have used Basil, Parsley, Oregano. Wash and clean the herbs pat them dry.
  • Use a stove top or a grill and roast red pepper and Garlic, peel the skin off and keep it aside.
  • Toasted and cooled Almonds and Hemp seeds for few minutes this just helps in releasing the oil and enhances the flavour.
  • In a food processor combine Almonds, Hemp seeds, olives, garlic, mixed herbs, chilli flakes, roasted red pepper, salt, Kale start processing the machine. With the machine running slowly drizzle olive oil into the processor until the mixture is well blended but still has some texture pausing to scrape down the side so everything is well combined.
  • You can add parmesan if you like a creamier texture or you can completely omit it. I haven’t added it.   Only thing is you need to find out if the Parmesan is a vegetarian as Parmesan contains rennet.
  • Taste and check if you need more salt and spice.  As some Kale may have a bitter taste.  Adjust accordingly


Kale and Almond Pesto

Superfood Kale Pesto - Jamie's Italian Buyer's guide

You can use different nuts such as walnut, cashew (my favourite and creamier!), Pine nuts (my daughter’s favourite), you can use Brazil nuts (buttery) and Macadamia nuts they are creamier too wouldn’t think of Pistachios though ????!
You can add more olive oil to thin it down and also helps in preserving pesto.  If you are using it in pasta you can even thin it down with a dash of cooked pasta water too.   Store it in air tight container in the refrigerator covered for up to a week.  I suppose you can also freeze pesto in Ice cube trays. Once frozen transfer them to freezer bags and use them as needed but don’t forget to thaw it.
FOR VEGAN VERSION: Use Nutritional yeast instead of Parmesan cheese or completely omit it.
FOR NUT FREE VERSION:  You seeds of Sunflower, Linseed, Pumpkin seeds, or any other seeds instead of nuts.  But use it in less quantity otherwise it might dominate the taste of pesto.